Bryan Independence Center
#1640 Lake St
It is the intention of the Independence Center to continue to provide services. Please know that we are screening all who enter our building, we have established additional protocols such as wiping down all chairs and tables after each group or lecture and we ask that anyone who is not feeling well or may have had an exposure to the coronavirus to please not attend programming. We hope to return to the full array of services as the risks of this virus are mitigated and we are able to ensure the safety and well being of all who enter our doors. You can check the Independence Center Facebook Page for more information and updates. Please be safe and take care.
At Bryan Independence Center, our clients receive the most comprehensive substance abuse treatment in southeast Nebraska. Separate youth and adult treatment programs and services meet clients needs. We also offer separate groups for women and men that meet periodically to help address special issues involved in health, sexuality, abuse and assertiveness that are gender specific. We make every effort to be sensitive to cultural needs.
Offering Treatment For
- Alchohol, Drug Abuse, Prescription Drugs
Treatment Methods
- Whether you're exploring treatment for alcohol or drug abuse for yourself or for someone you care about, you will likely have many questions. Is there really a problem? And if so, how can I be sure that the Bryan Independence Center offers the best chance of ongoing recovery? We recommend that you complete a free, confidential, online screening as a first step. If the screening indicates a potential problem with alcohol, please call us at 402-481-5268 or 800-742-7845, ext. 15268, to get in touch with a professional substance abuse counselor who can help you with the next step.